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Who was Giovanni da Verrazzano?

Giovanni da Verrazzano, Italian navigator and explorer for France who was the first European to sight New York and Narragansett bays. He was the first European explorer to name newly discovered North American sites after persons and places in the Old World. Learn more about Verrazzano’s life and travels.

Where did Verrazzano go to explore?

He continued north along the coast, anchoring somewhere between the present-day borders of North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland; and again taking a smaller boat to the mainland to explore. Verrazzano’s next discovery was New York Harbor; the Dauphine was anchored and he took a small boat into, what is now, Upper New York Bay.

Why did Verrazzano keep women out of sight?

For fifteen days Verrazzano and his crew were the Narragansett’s honored guests—though the Indians, Verrazzano admitted, kept their women out of sight after hearing the sailors’ ”irksome clamor” whenever females came into view. Much of the time was spent in friendly banter.

Where was Verrazzano's ship anchored?

Verrazzano’s ship anchored in Narragansett Bay, probably near what is now Providence or Pawtuxent, Rhode Island. Verrazzano was one of the first Europeans the natives had seen, perhaps even the first, but the Narragansett were not intimidated. Almost instantly, twenty long canoes surrounded the visitors.

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